God never performs His greatest feats in your yesterdays

11:51 PM

Last week, i got the answer to a question i've been asking God for some time. some girls in our Dgroup were encouraging me to attend a single's retreat because my question suited the topics that will be discussed.

The retreat was last weekend. I didn't go. It was Tito Aldi's birthday and i wanted to celebrate that with my family. I was planning a surprise gift that time too, which i was able to purchase and give. Besides, i know God will not only speak to me in a retreat, but any time, even if i am just in the safe confines of my room.

The sudden answer kind of startled me. During my devotion, I wasn't really asking for that particular "Question". it has been months and i had already forgotten to pray about it, though it still runs in my mind every time i am in the bus.

But when I got the answer, I knew in my heart that it was the answer I was waiting for. it was so specific, i almost laughed. I am still asking God for more confirmations in the coming months and remaining years. I have to be sure that it is the right answer that I am waiting for, not just something that i thought is the answer. But I'm once again blown away to see that God really do listens to my prayers and questions, in spite of my many shortcomings.

I read this in Joel Osteen's book, Become A Better You and i was so encouraged:

... God wants you to go further. He's a progressive God, and he wants every generation to be increasing in happiness, success, and significance. No matter where we are in life, God has more in store. He never wants us to quit growing. We should always be reaching for new heights in our abilities, in our spiritual walk, in our finances, careers, and personal relationships. We all have areas where we can come up higher. We may have achieved a certain level of success but there are always new challenges, other mountains to climb. There are new dreams and goals that we can pursue....

... But be careful: Sometimes when you are enjoying life, it is easy to become complacent, to get satisfied, and think, Yes, God's been good to me. I can't complain. I've achieved my goals; I've reached my limits. But God never performs His greatest feats in your yesterdays.

... He may have one wonders in the past, but you haven't seen anything yet! The best is yet to come. Don't allow your life to become dull. Keep dreaming, hoping, and planning for new projects, experiences, and adventures with God.

The second paragraph was the one that struck me the most. I know it's been the thing that has been holding me off. But I never realized that it could be the one thing that could hinder me from becoming the person God wanted me to be. Probably this is the reason why He fulfilled one of my goals right away (which I thought He would give to me when I'm older), because His plan for me is beyond my current dreams. He wants me to keep on dreaming, hoping, and planning for new experiences and adventures I would have with Him. All I need to do is stretch my dreams and don't box His abilities in my limited mind. I have to trust Him that He knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future.

Hiding within the confines of your comfort zone really tends to get boring. Why get scared of the "crazy" zone when you have God with you all the way? And He doesn't just go with you, He goes before you. This is what I should keep reminding myself.

I'm excited to live the present and eventually live the future.

I'm a victor and not a victim! I have God on my side. If God is with me, who can be against me?

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