mind reading

1:00 AM

i was badgering my friend yesterday because we're getting suspicious of the way he's acting. he's doing things he doesn't normally do.

then finally, he said it. he's starting to like someone and he's praying about it.

discernment worked again!

of course, he didn't reveal any details. and i didn't press on the matter, either. i just badgered him for a short while just for the sake of pestering him. but at this point, i just want to keep on guessing. it's a good mind exercise and it makes a good pass time when you have nothing better to do. after all, analyzing and studying people's behaviors has become one of my favorite hobbies. interesting, don't you think? and i also find it amusing. sometimes, i even try guessing what the people sitting across me are thinking. i do this small monologues in my mind and i imagine that they say the most ridiculous things. (and when they see me chuckle or smirk, they think i'm crazy. how ironic.) but i don't do mind reading with all the woo-hoo stuff. that is just plain creepy.

maybe i should work for the FBI? like the people in Criminal Minds? i'll get inside the head of criminals and try to figure out what their twisted minds are concocting.

then i'll work in the crime lab and do those techie-chemistry-physics-math things they do. that would be one cool job only if:

1. i don't hate math and anything related to it (which includes science); and
2. people don't die, people's lives are not put in jeopardy, future and families do not hung
in the balance, and people don't get arrested because of the bad stuff they did.

but the opposite of that is practically the whole point of police work. gah. what am i thinking? of course, that is why there is such a job that would keep the bad guys away on the streets. and that job is called police work (FBI) and crime lab specialists (CSI).

speaking of CSI, it's CSI Trilogy tomorrow night at AXN!

unfortunately, i can't watch it because i'm on duty again tomorrow for the telethon. but i hope there will be a replay on Sunday.

ah! can't wait!

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