[Telethon] Nothing is impossible... Believe

11:13 PM

It was the first night of The 700 Club Asia's telethon last night, so everyone in the production team was scurrying around, tensed, and very busy yet excited for the night's showdown. This will again be another week of live shows and room for error is from 1 to non-existent.

Every telethon, we (at Operation Blessing ) are asked to commit at least one night of duty to intercede (or pray). The show starts at 11pm so before the lights and cameras roll, the whole CBN Asia staff spends half an hour of praise and worship. And last night, we (Operation Blessing) were assigned to lead. Veejay led the worship and she was joined by her band from their church while her backup singers came from OB (me and Ms. Ghay).

While preparing for the praise and worship, the production people left the studio so the instrumentalists could set up their stuff. And while we were waiting, the rest of us spent that moment to be productive and have our little own photoshoot inside the studio, already complete with the props and cameras.

Me with Ate Ana. Behind us is the set backdrop.
Me and Mark pretending to be (celebrity) cousnselors, LOL!

Unfortunately, the only cameras we have were ate Ana's camphone and mine. It's a little blurry but at least it served its purpose, LOL. Since every one in the team is already innately insane, we had a good time laughing around and doing just about anything ridiculous.

Charles Swindoll's book is one of the premiums.

OB Family picture tripping
(even if the members are not complete. I'm not there!)

Finally, it was time to get serious again. After the worship, we watched the show in the conference room were almost 20 of us cramped inside. Praise God because for the first night, we were able to raise Php1.4 million! Our target is 10 million so raising a million just for the first night is already SOMETHING.

So what the Lord says is really true. Nothing is impossible for Him... We just have to believe!

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