Happy Cleaning Day

1:44 AM

Yesterday, the whole office was switched to "cleaning mode". Every one was armed with (surgical) masks and (surgical) gloves as we all went down on our hands and knees to clean our work spaces. Old files were exhumed and boxes were scattered all over the floor. Cabinets and drawers were drawn out and emptied. Blinds, windows and walls were cleaned for the first time in more than a year.

Our working area was not easy to clean. First, we were incomplete. There are 3 areas that are still in its usual mess. Second, we had so many files to organize that included papers, DVDs and even diskettes (I don't know how we'll be able to retrieve the files inside it). Third, there were so many stuff in our department that needed to be within reach. Since we're incomplete, it was tricky to find out who-needs-what. And lastly, organizing has never been my greatest strength. In fact, it's my ultimate weakness. I could even call it one of my "thorns of the flesh". 

Cleaning day was terribly exhausting but surprisingly fun. I realized how enjoyable it is to do chores with people around you helping. We wiped, stacked, arranged and mopped the whole place together. As a treat, we posted crazy creative ideas on our room's window just for the whole office to have something to look at and laugh about and hopefully help forget about the exhaustion for a while.

It was fun spending the whole day cleaning the place we consider "home" for more than 8 hours everyday.

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