Breaking Monday Sickness

12:28 AM

It started a couple of weeks ago when my Mondays started to become interesting and eventful. It began when I donated blood to an elderly woman named Imelda. At first, I was declined because my monthly period is scheduled in four days. So after a trip to the hospital's lab, Fred (my officemate) and I went to talk and get to know Imelda and her family.

We learned that Imelda is fondly called Mommy Imelda by friends and family. She's a kind woman with a big heart - a heart for the Lord and for the less fortunate people. Actually, we learned about Mommy Imelda's condition because she used to be one of our volunteers. And it's interesting because she started volunteering at age 60. To think that most elderly women her age are enjoying their retirement in an island somewhere or at home in the presence of various grandkids. But for Mommy Imelda? She decided to wisely spend her senior years imprinting legacies in the lives of the children living in far-flung places in the Philippines. Unfortunately, her illness stalled her from continuing her meaningful endeavors. Until now, I am not sure what her condition is called. All I know is that her hemoglobin decreased that's why she needed blood transfusion. Add to that, she contracted pneumonia.

Things didn't go as planned when the lab rejected me for blood donation. So, I decided to pray for her instead. After all, I knew God would not bring me somewhere just to waste my time. He always has a reason for everything and at that moment, I knew in my heart that He wanted me to pray for her. So I did.

After spending 5 hours with Mommy Imelda and her family, I felt a special attachment to them. I felt their pain with the idea of losing their only parent, worries brought by the many incompatible blood results, love for their mother, and trust in God in spite of everything that is happening. I really hoped I can do something more for this family. And the Lord answered my prayer. After talking with some friends of the family, I found out that pre-menstruation isn't really an issue for blood donation. After talking with resident doctors and med techs at the lab, I was finally found qualified for blood donation.

(My blood wasn't transfused to Mommy Imelda because of incompatibility. However, they were able to exchange my blood with another bag in Quirino Hospital which was found compatible. That means they didn't need to pay for the blood bag they got from Quirino.)

Right now, Mommy Imelda is stable. I hope she would be able to be up on her feet again and be healthier than ever.

The following Monday was another eventful day with a number of reasons. One: Roger Federer won the Wimbledon (yay!). Two: We had our very first story conference (yeah, I know. Very work-related but still an achievement, if I can call it that). And Three: I was awarded as the Employee of the Month for May. The announcement came in late (typical) but better late than never, right? But more than just the certificate, I received a monetary award enough to pay off a debt. Ah, God truly provides!

Tomorrow is Monday. I wonder what God has in store for me. Certainly it's going to be busy because I'll be finalizing the photo exhibit but I'm wondering how exciting tomorrow will be. But really, if all Mondays will have its own outstanding adventures, my usual Monday sickness will totally blow off.

I guess I'll find out in a few hours.

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  1. Replies
    1. IKR. What? I'm happy he won! (Ecstatic-to-the-point-that-I-couldn't-sleep kind of happy.) It deserves to be highlighted. LOL.
