keeping posted

11:17 PM

one thing about working in a humanitarian organization that specializes on emergency aid is that when disasters strike, you become so overly aware about it. you become so engrossed to take in even the smallest details that you never took seriously before. it makes you feel a bit panicked in a way but, ironically, should be the last thing you should feel. responding to emergencies like natural disasters is like being a catalyst of peace in the midst of the storm, oftentimes taken literally.

the devastating tsunami in Japan is horrifying. i am really praying that such devastation of properties, especially of lives, wouldn't happen here in the Philippines. responding to disaster emergencies is not really an easy thing to deal with even if you memorize every procedure like the back of your hands. it involves lost lives, orphaned children, discouraged hearts, devastated minds, and terrorized souls. losing a loved one over a natural disaster is never an easy thing to accept.

now i'm keeping myself glued on the news about the oncoming tsunami - something i've never really done before. i used to be one of those people who believe that media reporters tend to exaggerate a lot and their reports should not be taken seriously. but over the years, i realized that overpreparedness never hurt. in fact, it saved a lot of lives.

i'm relaying the information i could get from the news and from the people i hear talking on the streets to our emergency aid coordinator. she'll probably be awake all night to stay vigil. it's not going to be easy for her and for everyone of us because we just had a rough day at work (something very unfortunate happened) and now, we are being bombarded left and right with tons of responsibilities we could not afford to ignore. and talk about perfect timing. our massive medical mission in Cebu and Bohol happens to commence on monday and it will last for two whole weeks. good thing time is in God's hands, not on situations.

i hope all of us wake up tomorrow morning with a load of good news.

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