Depressed writer's syndrome AKA writer's block

10:05 PM

I'm slowly inching my way back to blogging after weeks of being AWOL. I'm experiencing a serious case of writer's block, not just in blogging but in writing as a whole. And it is so not cool, especially when your best (and only) capital is writing.

I am so uninspired. My mind is like an inflated balloon that popped, ricocheting like crazy. My enthusiasm is going down the drain. Expressing thoughts is becoming really hard. I'm not sure why this is happening but I guess stuff like these are bound to happen when you're being pressed on all sides with issues and, yes, problems.

Things have been pretty rough lately. I never really expected it to affect me like this - with a massive writer's block. So just a while ago, prior to this entry, I decided to battle it out with writing again. Maybe it would cure me  of my "depressed writer's syndrome".

(If you find it too unbelievable, yes, I'm a writer by profession. I find it hard to believe too, haha.)

Maybe I just need a change of scenery. But taking a leave off work might not do the trick because by the time I return, my stack of work would be 100x more than what I left it. I thought of quitting my job, but then where will I go? By the time my inspiration's back and my enthusiasm reached the normal level, I wouldn't have any place to source it through. And later on, I would just regret quitting my job because I did it compulsively.

Sigh. I think I need that Castle DVD right now.

A little bit of mind churning and a little bit of action might just do the trick.

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