I feel like I belong here

9:47 PM

Last Friday, my boss was interviewed in Sa Totoo Lang, a radio program of the 700 Club. It is being aired at Inquirer's DZIQ every weekday at 1PM. My boss asked me to accompany her on her live interview and I did.

When I entered the savvy looking studio (which screamed "professionalism"), I oddly felt right at home. It was like a fog has been lifted. It has been sometime since I have last been in a radio station, and it was at that moment that something clicked in my head gears. An electricity jolted in my system at a realization.

I belong here.

For the past few months, I've been studying and contemplating the "job" where I would fit in. So far, being in the print media is not really giving me that sense of satisfaction, although I have yet to see again because of some assignments I had recently. For me, the past few months was like having an identity crisis, but this time a "career" crisis. I didn't know what I really want to do. I don't know where I would fit in. But that quick trip to the radio station somewhat cleared my confusion. But then, I don't know. Maybe I just missed working on radio and I just felt that kind of excitement like when you see a longtime friend you haven't seen in years. But it certainly pushed my excitement a notch. For a while, I felt useful. It even took some effort to restrain myself from talking into the microphone. I certainly missed the excitement of live radio shows. That certain hushed tension is always something that you could only associate with live radio shows and nothing else.

I'm excited for my boss' next guesting on the 18th. I wonder if the excitement would be even greater than the last.

But don't misunderstand. I'm not pouncing on this revelation like a tiger. I might rip it to shreds. I might rip the opportunities to shreds. As I told my mom (when I shared this revelation to her), it doesn't mean I'll leave my current job and come running straight into radio stations, trying my luck and shoving my resumes on them. I am taking this one step at a time. I'm taking it in slow, careful strides like a drift. I go wherever it takes me, career-wise, and in this case, God is my drift.

So maybe the better phrase is: I feel like I belong here.

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