Monday blues and Kokology

10:44 PM

It's Monday again (actually, it's tomorrow). Not that I'm complaining. I couldn't say I'm excited, to say the least, but maybe just looking forward to this week. I have a lot of things to do and I'm getting pretty challenged to finish it with a perfect bang! (The fireworks kind of bang - like when you accomplished something and the whole world is rejoicing with you).

Once again, it's script week. But right now, I'd stop hoping of finishing the scripts. Instead, I'm giving myself the ULTIMATUM right this moment that I HAVE to finish everything THIS WEEK. It's May 1 and it's time for fresh start; time to give up on cramming because it makes one ugly - and I don't want to be ugly. I could only use the cramming tool when I have no choice and when the situation calls for it.

Angel and I discovered this book entitled Kokology. It's like a personality test with questions that have no right or wrong answers. So far, the answers are ringing true to me. I guess this really is my personality and there's no denying it (when it comes to things like this, I'm usually in denial. Haha. Weird-lo!). It's pretty fun. I'll probably borrow that book when Angel's finished with it.

Until then, let me share a song Angel and I went gaga last week. A song from Narnia sung and co-written by Carrie Underwood entitled There's A Place For Us.

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