Bata, Bata Ikaw ang BIDA!

5:45 PM

It's telethon week again! This time, our telethon is entitled:

Yes, Ikaw ang Bida! For the whole week, segments about kids will be featured on the 700 Club Asia.

As always, we were assigned to lead the praise and worship for the first day. After that, we spent the whole night praying for the show and watching it. Compared to the other telethons I have watched, this is probably the lightest, less tensed telethon I've ever been to. So I strongly recommend that you watch the show tonight until Friday at 11PM on Qtv. You'll enjoy hearing compelling stories of kids and how their faith in God amazed even the well-experienced adults.

Here are some pictures from last night while waiting for the show. Thanks to Ate Yahon for thinking of bringing a camera that even I (insanely crazy about cameras) forgot to do.


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