The year 2010 was an emotional circus for me. At first, I thought my list wouldn't make it to 10, but I was wrong (boy, what an ungrateful grinch I am). Lesson for the day: never underestimate the blessings of God. So, here are the top 10 highlights in my 2010 that I want to thank God:
10. Finishing 3 Joel Rosenberg books
... namely Epicenter, Ezekiel Options, and The Last Days. My desire for investigative journalism and penchant for history was rekindled. I'm still on the lookout for his new novel, The Twelfth Imam.
9. My blog
After more than a year of planning to set up a new blog, I finally acted on it. I set it up on August, to be exact. I even set up a separate photo blog in Tumblr so as not to put satisfactory-taken photos to waste.
8. Concert and Birthday
Day before my birthday, my friends and I went to the Citipointe Live concert. Afterwards, we went to McDonalds for midnight snacks and some fun!
7. Life testimony featured on 700 Club Asia
... or most specifically, the life testimony of my mother. But I was also shown on (national) TV for about 15 seconds and was interviewed for less than 8 so this should make it into the top 10 list! After all, it's not everyday you get to be seen on TV, you know.
My mother being interviewed on cam by the segment producer, Binoy
Photo courtesy of Kuya Boy, the cameraman
6. Meeting celebrities
... and not just simply meeting them but working with them. This year, I had the opportunity to work with Coney Reyes and Miriam Quiambao. Coney treated our former beneficiaries in Payatas to Enchanted Kingdom. I had extreme fun with the kids and we enjoyed the storytelling portion where Coney was the storyteller. She has a really good soul, and God's light really shines on her.
Miriam, on the other hand, just happens to be one of my favorite beauty queens (Venus Raj recently adding into the list). Her story from a Bb. Pilipinas runner up to a Ms. Universe runner up is EPIC. She is known for her famous 'slip' on stage, and she is probably the only woman who lived to tell it. This year, she joined us in visiting two of our projects in Payatas - the Mobile Out of School Training Program and the feeding program. Like Coney, she also came as a storyteller for the kids. Miriam is a very sweet soul and a really intelligent woman. Her life is a blessing and I'm sure God will bless her more this coming year!
With Coney Reyes in Enchanted Kingdom.
5. Laughing sessions

... 2010 was filled with bitter tears and laughter but I want to focus more on the laughter. I had numerous laughing sessions with my friends this year, and I don't think I have ever gotten too much of that before. Ate Gigi, Mayla, Reyna, VJ, and Kuya Ben are really the best jesters. They can make you laugh in their own unique way.
4. I became a scriptwriter
... which eventually meant slash radio segment producer. I thought 5 minutes was a piece of cake but boy, was I wrong. After months of arduous researching, sleepless nights of cramming, and tons of rejected scripts, I survived one season and is halfway done with the second one. Now with Jesus by my side (and Him turning the wheels of my brain), I say BRING IT ON!
3. Back-to-back visits in Baguio
Before, all I can do was wish that I can go to Baguio for a visit. It has been so long since I've been there. But this year, I visited the place twice! Even though both were business trips, I'm happy that I became a part of the team that served the people of La Trinidad and Baguio and was able to share the love of God to them.
One of the volunteers praying for one of the patients of the medical mission
2. Visiting the Queen of the South
For the first time, I stepped foot on the Island of Cebu and onto one of the oldest cities in the country, Cebu City. The Island was simply breathtaking and the waters were mesmerizing. My uncle and I had a great adventure there and I can't wait to return next year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
The statue of Raja Humabon, the first Filipino chieftain to embrace Christianity.
Just a few meters away is Magellan's cross.
1. First ever company retreat
... and we had it in the beautiful Eden Park in Davao City! That retreat was an epitome of a true vacation. I had fun relaxing and hanging out with my friends from work. We ate (a lot), we shopped (mostly for earrings), we rode on the zip line (and screamed our heads off), we drove each other out of breath with laughter, and we still all made it back to Manila sane and in one piece. Thank you Lord for that wonderful adventure with friends. It was truly a special time I will never forget so that should be documented here!
OB Staff!
There are still more that I am thankful for but the list would go on and on. The Lord knows and I am truly grateful for everything that has happened this year - good and bad. I can't wait for the Lord's blessings in 2011. I believe it will be the year of the Lord's favor and that tremendous blessings will pour out that there will be no room enough to contain it.
Happy New Year in a few hours and I pray that next year will be better than your last!