
6:11 PM

I just came home from work - home meaning this new dorm I got. Work was the same, as usual. It wasn't as boring as it was the past three days but it still has its many dull moments. I spent the entire day researching new topics for my scripts. I haven't done any scriptwriting yet. I want to finish all the research first before I venture on the writing. But I need to work fast because the quiet days in the office are numbered. People will be back next week and it's going to be, once again, a chaotic environment not suitable for writing. The only time our department office is bearably noisy is when it's just us, the writers, who are there. So, I'll force myself to start working on the scripts tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be extra inspired to work on it.

It's my second week in the dorm and I think I'm experiencing the symptoms of homesickness. Probably because I got sick. Right now my nose is congested and I have these yucky phlegm stuck in my lungs. But day by day it's getting better. I think I'm actually good in taking care of myself. I have to give myself a pat on the back for that.

Yesterday, I did my laundry. It was my first time in a long time to launder my clothes - and so many, at that. Until now, I can still feel the chemicals sticking into my hands. It makes it a little difficult to write because my fingers are not poised the way it's used to but I know I'll get used to it eventually, since I'll be doing my laundry regularly - every Wednesday. Not that it's fun (chores are not exactly my definition of fun) but because i have no choice and it's one way to pass time.

So far, I'm not faring well on the food. This week was a disaster. My dinner got spoiled (thankfully I didn't eat it. My nose was stuffed so I can't smell the rotten food) and the rice I cooked last week got spoiled too. So, I ended up buying food. But come yesterday, when I ate breakfast at our canteen, I realized that the hotdog I'm eating is not Purefood, or any of the branded hotdogs. It's one of those hotdogs that they sell in the wet market. I remember my mother telling me never to eat hotdogs bought from the wet market because the meat they stuff in there are meat coming from cats, dogs (and I love dogs!), and - get ready for this - rats!

I know, exponential gross!

Eventually, I lost my appetite that I didn't bother finishing the meal. I got so grossed out that I lost my appetite the entire day. Good thing I have colds so I wasn't really in the mood to eat and my gums were also hurting when I chew. My mother told me maybe I was having a Vitamin C deficiency.

I haven't heard of that one yet.

And to make things worse, I have no more money to buy dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow. Now I'm feeling more like a student instead of a professional employee. And the sad part is, I think I spent more money now that I moved closer to the office instead of when I was travelling to and from our home in Laguna.

I don't know how I would solve my monetary issues as of this moment. But in terms of food, I hope I would fare better next week and be able to think of a cheaper way to eat clean food without the need to spend, and waste, too much.

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