A Day of Enchantment
12:57 AMThis article was published at www.obphil.com. It is the official website of Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines where I work. This is an article that I wrote.SANTA ROSA CITY, Laguna — Back-to-School and Bless-a-Child beneficiaries from Payatas experienced a day full of enjoyment and surprises: an unforgettable and fun-filled day for the 30 kids with Coney Reyes. The 700 Club Asia host invited them to the world-class theme park in the Philippines, Enchanted Kingdom.
The drizzles that welcomed the kids’ arrival didn’t hamper their excitement. Their faces beamed with amazement since for most of them, it was their first time to visit the famous theme park.
“I have never been to this place before,” 12-year-old Reynaldo Vega said as the huge rides loomed at the entrance. Their afternoon kicked off with a ride in the giant Ferris wheel and a 3D movie inside Realto.
Afterwards, the children were whisked to the bandstand area where Coney Reyes welcomed them. She told them a short yet very entertaining story of a girl named Victoria, her mother, and a magical forest. Coney impressed on them the importance of taking care of the environment, God’s creation.
After the storytelling, she gave each of the kids a set of books and a stuffed toy from James Fund. She reminded them that the gifts they received are all blessings from God and they should never forget to thank Him.
With bright smiles on their faces, the Payatas children gave Coney warm and affectionate kisses and hugs. Then squeals of excited laughter filled the air as the award-winning actress-host joined them in the carousel. The kids were pumped with energy and tried different rides, not bothered by long lines and the long wait.
“It was my prayer to go to Enchanted Kingdom someday,” 11-year-old Hanna Solanoy said. “And I’m so happy that God answered it. Thank you very much!”
Their day ended with Enchanted Kingdom’s display of magnificent fireworks.
“Thank you for the stuffed toy, books, and the experiences you’ve shared with us. I can’t describe how happy I am,” Norilyn Mara, 12, said.
“I will never forget this day,” Reynaldo added, smiling.