Celebrating 22 years of the Lord's goodness
7:55 PMOMG I'm 22! LOL
For my 22nd birthday, I spent the day with my family and we ate dinner at Amici in Ayala Town Center.It was a wish come true. The last time I've been to Amici was in 2007 at its Makati branch. Even though it's only one jeepney ride away from where I work, I almost always haven't got the time (and the resources) to eat there. I told myself back in 2007 that I would return, and order not just Margaritta pizza but try out the other food too.
And this afternoon, we did!
We ate pizza (with bacon and olives)
roasted chicken (you could just smell and taste the spices they put in there)
and delicious tiramisu! (all time family favorite!)
I was with my mom and uncle (who took all the photos).
Family eat out is one of the simple things in life that make me happy and it's what I always desire every time I celebrate my birthday. Big, birthday bashes don't really appeal to me. Instead, I chose to spend quiet moments with my family and really close friends. What better way to spend a special day than to be with the people who love you and are forever grateful of your existence.
Thank you Lord for another year :) I feel so favored and blessed. Today was really a happy day. You're the best :)
Continue to REIGN in my life and may your WILL always be done.
Am excited to take on the year ahead with You!